Design Festival HamburgStart
It`s all about
Life is a
Celebrate your curiosity for prototyping with global talents and experts. Explore outstanding trends, innovations, and concepts for the challenges of the creative industry.
Prototyping the Future
Lukas Cottrell, Managing Partner, Peter Schmidt Group, opens the Future Playgrounds with an outlook on Creativity, Brands and Design in the year 2025. How will design, marketing and branding change? How will brands manage to be more inclusive and vibrant? There is one thing for sure: today's creativity will have to lay the foundations. In line with the motto "Life is a prototype", a future full of human-centered design, sustainable innovation, immersive marketing and adaptive branding will be on show.
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Tina Touli Designer and Artist
Tina Touli is a London-based Creative Director, Graphic Communication Designer and Artist. She works across a wide variety of design fields, encompassing print and digital design, collaborating with diverse clients, including Adobe, CNN, Dell, HP, Ciroc Vodka, Fiorucci, Tate, LinkedIn, Converse, Oppo, Kappa, and Dropbox. She has been selected by Print Magazine as one of the 15 best young designers in the world under 30 (2017). And presents her work at various events and conferences worldwide.
Tina Touli Designer and Artist
Blending the Physical & the Digital Worlds
There is so much inspiration in our surroundings that we tend to ignore. It is all about training our eyes to see ordinary everyday things from a different angle, reimagining the world around us. You decide whether you want to be camouflaged within somebody else's approach, or to discover unexplored areas of design through a journey into blending the analogue and digital worlds!
Ethan Pope Deepfake Artist
Ethan, your hand-trained deepfake virtuoso, was birthed by students at the FH Salzburg. Ethan is an experimental approach to combine several multi-faceted artists into one conceptual, collaborative playground – one pretty face to rule them all. The over-the-top Hyperpop Idol blends novel generative AI approaches into audiovisual performances, exhibitions, and lately, apparently also cooking shows!
Ethan Pope Deepfake Artist
Cooking with Ethan
Ethan Pope is the pearl of culinary delight. Having travelled far from their home in Visitop, they’ve settled here to stir our world upside down with their exotic taste buds. They cook their own way, whether it’s fried instant ramen on ice, flambéed bananus mush with coconut flakes, or Marmite-Popsicles to go – as long as it’s spicy! So get ready to savor the chaos and flavor they bring! And bring your own sporks!
YONK 3D Animation Studio
YONK is a 3D animation studio from The Hague that specializes in using Virtual Reality Sculpting software to create visually striking artworks, animations and character designs. The innovative approach of agency founders Victoria Young and Niels Van Der Donk to this technology has resulted in a unique style that blends raw, childlike sculpting with polished, vibrant veneers. The studio's mission is to break free from traditional 3D norms, crafting work that is playful, maximalist, and delightfully strange.
YONK 3D Animation Studio
Playful 3D: Reimagining the Animation Process
Join the creative duo YONK as they delve into their innovative and playful approach to 3D animation and character design. Discover how the studio uses VR sculpting software to shape its whimsical style and get an inside look at its creative animation solutions along with the development of custom animation tools.
Hyperfocus Design Studio
Hyperfocus is a design studio from Hamburg that sits at the intersection between brand and product design. They create loveable, shareable, bold, and engaging digital-first brands that will change the world. In addition to their design studio, Hyperfocus have a YouTube channel called “The Brand Review,” dedicated to people who love branding. The content includes brand reviews and industry talks.
Hyperfocus Design Studio
A Constant State of Beta
Tra Giang Nguyen, Jan Stein and Paul Watmough-Halim will introduce Hyperfocus, explain how they work and showcase their work for the outdoor brand Heimplanet. In addition, the creatives show how they explore AI to infuse technical products with natural aesthetics.
PSG Imagine Innovation Unit
PSG Imagine – aka Felix Damerius, Felix May, Stephan Wolter and Michael Waning - is the innovation unit of Peter Schmidt Group. The team enables companies to exploit new business models by ensuring the optimal interplay of technology and creativity. PSG Imagine explores brand innovation, digital experiences and service design by developing AI-supported prototypes, wielding a variety of tools in production processes, and designing brand experiences that are exciting and interactive. On the basis of the latest AI technologies, PSG Imagine also provide products such as an image generator or a brand companion.
Stefanie Egedy Low Frequency Sound Artist
Stefanie Egedy investigates sound through conceptual compositions, commissioned works, and experimental electronic music. Investigating sub-bass, bass, infrasound, and subwoofers, and focusing on their therapeutic effects and interaction with human and artichectural bodies, Stefanie Egedy is building a body of work called BODIES AND SUBWOOFERS (B.A.S.), where she examines the crossover between sonorous and musical language to explore sonic communication.
Stefanie Egedy Low Frequency Sound Artist
The Future is Low Frequency Sound
Stefanie Egedy’s lecture explores low frequency sound as a medium present in the natural world, technology and the arts. The Berlin-based artist will start off with a general introduction to low frequency sound, followed by personal experiences of composing with subwoofers as instruments while working within nature and architectural environments, and discuss inspiration drawn from low frequencies around us. She will also explore their applications in technology, healthcare, and wellness.
The Venue
Design Zentrum Hamburg
Hongkongstraße 8
20457 Hamburg

Thursday – 5/9/2024
12:30 P.M. - 02:00 P.M. (CEST)Check-in
02:00 P.M. - 02:30 P.M. (CEST)
Prototyping the Future: Creativity, Brands and Design in 2025Lukas Cottrell, Managing Partner, Peter Schmidt Group, starts with an outlook on the year 2025. What to expect? A future full of human-centered design, sustainable innovation, immersive marketing and adaptive branding will be on show.
02:30 P.M. - 03:30 P.M. (CEST)
Blending the Physical & the Digital WorldsTina Touli, London-based Creative Director, and Artist, will tell you all about training your eyes to see ordinary everyday things from a different angle.
03:45 P.M. - 04:45 P.M. (CEST)
Cooking with EthanEnjoy the show with deepfake-artist Ethan Pope and his developers Christoph Amort, Paula Nikolussi and Florian Weiermann from the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
05:00 P.M. - 06:00 P.M. (CEST)
A Constant State of BetaTra Giang Nguyen, Jan Stein and Paul Watmough-Halim from Hyperfocus showcase their work for the outdoor brand Heimplanet and how they explore AI to infuse technical products with natural aesthetics.
06:00 P.M. - 08:30 P.M. (CEST)Get-together & NetworkingExchange ideas while enjoying drinks and snacks, network - and be inspired by the Prompt Battle on stage.
06:00 P.M. - 08:30 P.M. (CEST)
Prompt BattleExplore the possibilities of AI-generated art, experiment and present your best results. Your guide: Ninu Dramis, artist and founder of the Hamburg collective “Uber Nerd””, and Laura Rohloff, director of the Design Zentrum Hamburg and lecturer at HafenCity University.
Friday – 6/9/2024
Private Workshop
10:00 A.M. - 01:00 P.M. (CEST)
Motion Design for BeginnersYou haven't dealt with motion design at all or very little? Then Simon Merz and Natascha Kurz, Designers at Peter Schmidt Group, are the right guys for you. They will guide you through the basics.
Private Workshop
10:00 A.M. - 01:00 P.M. (CEST)
Touch DesignerIntroduction to Touch Designer and using it for organic artworks with Bileam Tschepe aka elekktronaut, a Berlin based artist and educator.
11:30 A.M. - 01:00 P.M. (CEST)Check-in
01:00 - 01:10 P.M. P.M. (CEST)Welcome
Live Podcast
01:10 P.M. - 02:00 P.M. (CEST)
Brand ReviewJan Stein & Paul Watmough-Halim, Hyperfocus
02:10 P.M. - 03:10 P.M. (CEST)
Playful 3D: Reimagining the Animation ProcessJoin the creative duo YONK from The Hague as they delve into their innovative and playful approach to 3D animation and character design.
03:25 P.M. - 04:25 P.M. (CEST)
PSG ImagineThe innovation unit of the Peter Schmidt Group is presenting customer projects and prototypes. Lecture details coming soon!
04:40 P.M. - 05:40 P.M. (CEST)
The Future is Low Frequency Sound Sound artist Stefanie Egedy investigates sound through conceptual compositions, commissioned works, and experimental electronic music. Get a Deep-dive to low frequency sound as a medium present in the natural world, technology and the arts.
05:40 P.M. (CEST)Roundup


We're happy to invite a limited number of external design enthusiasts to join our third Future Playgrounds Design Festival in Hamburg.

Get your Ticket here!

Built with love & AI AT peter-schmidt-group